
I look at my photography like this. When I make an image it belongs to me. It belongs to me while I take the photo. It belongs to me while it sits in my camera. It belongs to me while I process it on my Mac. It belongs to me while I let it sit in an archive folder waiting to be uploaded to the internet. Then I upload it to the internet and it’s like I’m taking a bird and opening my window and letting it go. Off she goes. Her song to be enjoyed by the entire world — certainly no longer mine.

Thomas Hawk On Copyright Infringement | Thomas Hawk Digital Connection (via ontheroad) (via kenmat)


Why are we so obsessed with the registered sex offender side of the puzzle when the troubled kids are right in front of us? Why are we so obsessed with the Internet side of the puzzle when so many more kids are abused in their own homes? I feel like this whole conversation has turned into a distraction. Money and time is being spent focusing on the things that people fear rather than the very real and known risks that kids face. This breaks my heart.

Internet not full of pedos, the statistical edition - Boing Boing


A quick note to let you know that your reputation in our home has significantly gone downhill, thanks to your recent twitter concerning porn stars who, er, “Twit”….My husband and I have just gone through a recovery of his left over bad internet habits from adolescence, to put it mildly (we just got married). He *use* to follow your twitter, but that’s not happening anymore, nor is his subscription to your podcast continuing (both of our choices, not just mine, btw).

If you want to keep up a face for yourself, quit this crap. We’re only glad you’re not a part of our tech lives anymore.

Glad you failed, Leo. Glad you failed.

Email from a former fan